ICOM MPR Member Travel Grant Program 2024

Apply for a grant today and join us in Tbilisi

The 2024 MPR Member Travel Grant is offered to encourage members to participate in our annual conference, Museum Communications at a Crossroads: Empowering Our Communities in Times of Change and Crisis, 4-7 December 2024 in Tbilisi, Georgia. 
All applicants must use this online form. The deadline for application is 15 September 2024. Please read the guidelines before applying.
Please send any questions to secretary.mpr@icom.museum.
Your Name
What are your preferred pronouns?

Your Email Address


Choose an option below

Is MPR your primary International Committee?
Have you received grants from ICOM MPR in the last three years?
Are you able to comprehend, write, and speak fluent English?

It can be a jpg or png file.
Max. file size: 6 MB.
Do you require an invitation letter to travel?

Section Break

Tell us about yourself. Please share your professional or academic experience and how you can contribute to the conference, and online links to your work, such as LinkedIn

Let us know how the experience benefits the applicant’s career, museum, and community, and recent experiences or achievements related to conference topics (1250 characters maximum).

Please upload your curriculum vitae indicating training, work experience, publications, and current work responsibilities within their institution (one-page maximum, PDF format).
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 6 MB.