2024 MPR Proposal Submission Form

Museum Communications at a Crossroads: Empowering Our Communities in Times of Change and Crisis

A joint conference from ICOM Marketing and Public Relations, ICOM Georgia, and Tbilisi Museums Union, with Academia Europaea Tbilisi Regional Hub and Georgian Museum of Fine Arts 4 – 7 December 2024 / Tbilisi, Georgia

Our conference will focus on in-person participation in Tbilisi with limited opportunities for virtual or pre-recorded presentations. All presentations will be streamed live and posted on YouTube after the conference. All presenters will be expected to write an article for a post-conference online publication. There will be no registration fees for this conference. You do not need to be a member of ICOM or MPR to submit a proposal, but preference will be given to MPR members. All proposals must be submitted in English. For important details about themes and proposal submissions, click here.

Your Name
Your Email Address


Choose an option below

Are you a member of MPR?
Are you a member of ICOM Georgia?
What are your preferred pronouns?


Section Break

Which subtheme does your proposal relate to?
Choose an option below:

How do you intend to participate?
Choose an option below:

Up to 400 words. Justify its significance for inclusion in the program; considering its focus areas.

Up to 150 words to be featured in the conference program and online if the presentation is accepted.

Up to 100 words for each speaker.

Please add your title and affiliation. Also, a mobile number to receive texts and social media links if you want us to tag you in our social media posts.