Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

ICOM MPR: Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan was approved at the ICOM MPR Meeting in Tampere, Finland 2005. Amendments and updates have been approved on following General Conferences. As with its predecessor, this plan is informed by reference to ICOM’s objects and takes into consideration the strategic objectives that ICOM has set. ICOM MPR acts within the same mission and core values as stated in the ICOM Strategic Plan, and all activities are planned in close connection with the ICOM Activity Plan. The committee legislation is in accordance with ICOM’s Code of Ethics.

ICOM MPR’s objectives are:


  1. To communicate knowledge and offer opportunities for extending networks in the fields of museum communications, marketing and fundraising
  2. To promote ICOM and the benefits of membership of ICOM to museum workers and museums, and to communicate progress on ICOM’s and ICOM MPR’s Programs to ICOM MPR members worldwide
  3. To represent ICOM MPR members’ interests to the ICOM Secretariat
  4. To advise ICOM Secretariat and ICOM committees in matters of communications, marketing and fundraising when requested
  5. To cooperate with the other International Committees of ICOM and with national and international organisations concerned with museums and museum professionals

The objectives will be achieved by:

To objective 1:

  • Arranging annual conferences to provide mutual exchange of knowledge between museum professionals, opportunities for extending professional networks and offering lectures by marketing and communications professionals both from museums and the corporate world.
  • Organising information sessions as appropriate in the host country of future conferences
  • Developing and extending a new platform for the ICOM MPR website with more comprehensive and easier accessed information.
  • Offering contributions to journals on international MPR themes.

To objective 2:

  • Providing information about the advantages of the ICOM membership on the ICOM MPR website and during the ICOM MPR Conferences.
  • Encouraging ICOM Members working in fields related to communications and marketing to choose MPR as their committee and join ICOM MPR activities.

To objective 3:

  • Ensuring that ICOM MPR members contribute to the development of ICOM through appropriate representation of interests. This is achieved by responding appropriately to ICOM proposals to ICOM Committees, providing representation at ICOM Advisory Committee meetings and facilitating where possible the representation of ICOM MPR interests at International Committee meetings and projects.

To objective 4:

  • Offering advice when requested to the ICOM Secretariat, ICOM committees, task forces and affiliated organisations in questions of communications and marketing. If capacity is available offering consultancy service in the same fields.
  • Encouraging and, where possible, assisting to enable ICOM MPR members to participate in the work of other affiliated (i.e.: ICOM-based) and non-affiliated (i.e.: non-ICOM) organisations.

To objective 5:

  • Establishing and maintaining contacts with other international bodies that possess similar objectives to those of ICOM MPR.
  • Responding as appropriate to other international bodies, stressing the importance and value of international activities for ICOM MPR members.
  • Providing support to ICOM MPR members within the limitations of the ICOM MPR structure, to enable designated ICOM MPR members to attend ICOM meetings. This primarily will take the form of writing letters of support for members to designated funding bodies and inviting members to speak on conference programs.