August 27, 2024
Special Election: Meet the MPR Board Candidates!

On July 5, 2024, the Board of ICOM MPR (Marketing and Public Relations) announced a call for members to offer their candidacy for Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, or Ordinary Member to serve through the next MPR board election to be held at the 27th ICOM General Conference in Dubai in November 2025.
Our Online Voting Tool for MPR members to vote for the candidates is now open. Please cast your vote today.
Voting will close and the results will be announced during the MPR General Assembly on October 29.
Before you vote, you can learn more about the MPR Board Candidates by reading their brief biographies and statements in the Candidates for ICOM MPR Board, Special Election 2024.
They include:
Candidate for Vice Chair:
Niloofar Yazdkhasti, ICOM Iran
Curator and Researcher, Iran Dolls Museum
Candidate for Secretary:
Carolyn Mwenda, ICOM Kenya
Head of Marketing, National Museums of Kenya
Candidate for Treasurer:
Vinod Harikumar, ICOM United Arab Emirates
Senior Marketing and Communications Leader
Four (4) Candidates for Ordinary Member (only vote for one):
Christiana Kazakou (GB/GR), ICOM UK
Researcher, Curator, Cultural Producer
Carolien Mertens, ICOM Belgium
Head of Public Engagement, Royal Library of Belgium
Keith Reburiano, ICOM Philippines
Head of Communications and External Affairs, National Museum of the Philippines
Živilė Stadalytė, ICOM Lithuania
Communication Specialist, National Museum of Lithuania